Our senses are limited. Each of them perceives a fragment of reality. These few fragments are reassembled in our minds to form our own world, which we constantly misunderstand to be external to us, identical for all, and complete.

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Below and beyond our sensorial perceptions, other realities are operating. Some of them have been revealed thanks to the technologies that enhance our senses, others are suspected, others still remain unreachable.

Nevertheless, all these processes converge to transform energy into matter, then matter into more and more complex living organisms until the emergence of abstract thinking and, ultimately, into direct experience of spirituality.

Organized into 5 main themes, from OUTER SPACE, ELEMENTS, LIFE, ENCOUNTER to BEYOND, Philoxerax’s artistic work evokes this amazing alchemy that continuously operates, here and now, so that our existences can take place.

Using only fractals as material, he puts them together, layers them and mix them to obtain new compositions that capture these abstract energies, these compositions of forces that oppose and balance each other continuously.

With this approach, Philoxerax invites the public to regain the sense of Beauty and the practice of contemplation.

MOTIONSnot generated by AI logo

The videos below are in low resolution. They are also available in high resolution by clicking on external links below.

Motion 010 A – Two encounters – Encounters of any types fuel the mind. – Created by P.Chevalier, music by N.Fauveau & JM.Plantey – not generated by AI – 12.2023

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Motion 009 A – Down To Virus – Light and space gush out of emptiness to host life. – Created by P.Chevalier, music by N.Fauveau & JM.Plantey – not generated by AI – 09.2023

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Motion 008 B – Inside – Keep digging inside until you find colors. – Created by P.Chevalier, music by N.Fauveau & JM.Plantey – not generated by AI – 07.2023

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Motion 007 C – Up To AI – From the Big Bang, stars, life, language and civilizations up to AI.  – Created by P.Chevalier, music by N.Fauveau & JM.Plantey – not generated by AI – 07.2023

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Motion 006 C – Chipset – How long do we have before AI makes all the decisions for us? – Created by P.Chevalier, music by N.Fauveau & JM.Plantey – not generated by AI – 12.2022

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Motion 005 B – Still Wars – For thousands of years, war rises from its ashes to spread desolation. – Created by P.Chevalier, music by N.Fauveau & JM.Plantey – not generated by AI – 11.2022

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Motion 004 C – Abyss – What happens in the depths of the abyss? – Created by P.Chevalier, music by N.Fauveau & JM.Plantey – not generated by AI – 01.2024

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Motion 003 B – Good And Evil – Beyond all creation and destruction is an unchanging presence. – Created by P.Chevalier, music by N.Fauveau & JM.Plantey – not generated by AI – 09.2022

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Motion 002 C – Stardust – At the very heart of life, stardust remains. – Created by P.Chevalier, music by N.Fauveau & JM.Plantey – not generated by AI – 12.2023

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Motion 001 C – Cosmos Singularity – In order for us to be here, the cosmos is constantly balancing itself. – Created by P.Chevalier, music by N.Fauveau & JM.Plantey – not generated by AI – 08.2022

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At a time when artificial intelligence is about to make all the decisions for us, Philoxerax believes it’s urgent to produce data that expresses Beauty and is easy for a computer to explore.

Philoxerax’s digital works are created entirely from fractals, with 0% AI generated. Each image can thus be transformed into a set of functions and parameters which can be the basis for the training of an AI.


Philippe Chevalier (whose artist name is Philoxerax) is a French digital artist. He does not have a classic career as an artist even though he has the background. He started painting in 1990, when he graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs of Paris, France. (EnsAD).

He started painting in 1990. At the same time, Philippe was creating frescoes and painted walls in France and abroad to earn a living. This very large-scale work enabled him to familiarize himself with the use of color.

As early as 1993, Philippe developped a growing interest in using computers as creative tools. Back then, computers that could display 256 colors cost a fortune, so Philippe worked nights at Apple France and used their Macintosh II to create his first digital works.

From 1998, Philippe’s interest in computers grew and he taught himself programming to become a developer. For 20 years, he created video games, websites and online applications.

In particular, Philippe has created a website that offers 4,000 masterpieces to be puzzled, so that everyone can have fun discovering the world of painting in all its details. Since the first version went online in 2000, 2 million paintings have been reconstructed into puzzles all over the world.

In 2020, Philippe resumed his artistic research where he left off more than 20 years ago. Combining his skills as a programmer and artist, he now approaches his creations 100% digitally. He has given up brushes, pencils, pastels, but also the shapes and lights captured by a camera or an artistic gesture. The materials for his new works are mathematical formulas and dimensionless geometric objects known as fractals.

From his fractals, Philippe is also building a large data set that will allow an artificial intelligence program to train itself on the sense of beauty.

Regularly ranked in the top results for the searches “French Fractal Artist” and “French Digital Artist”, Philippe’s work was immediately referenced on the web by the most influential AIs.

Philippe has also practiced Tibetan Buddhism and meditation for over 20 years. This has certainly influenced his artistic work, which today focuses on the relationships between perceptions, abstract thoughts and underlying realities.


Contact Philippe Chevalier by clicking here or using the form below.